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Follow this step-by-step guide to get started and make the most of your Cropspy experience.
Start by registering on Cropspy. Enter your Name, 10-digit Mobile Number, Email (to receive alerts), and the Serial Number from your subscription. Enter your Pincode, select your village, accept terms, and click Register.

Your dashboard shows the current day's max & min temperature, humidity, rain probability, and climate condition. Below that, a graph displays the 15-day temperature and humidity forecast, followed by a detailed forecast table.

From the menu, select Add Crop. Choose your crop, specify the date of cultivation and the expected last date. Your crop is now added!

From the menu, select Add Crop. Choose your crop, specify the date of cultivation and the expected last date. Your crop is now added!

From the menu, select Add Crop. Choose your crop, specify the date of cultivation and the expected last date. Your crop is now added!

From the menu, select Add Crop. Choose your crop, specify the date of cultivation and the expected last date. Your crop is now added!

The disease scouting page provides a list of diseases with images and relevant dates. It also shows the probability of disease occurrence.

The disease scouting page provides a list of diseases with images and relevant dates. It also shows the probability of disease occurrence.

Click on a disease to see a list of CIB-approved fungicides recommended for control.

Find My Crops in the menu. This page displays all your crops, each with an Add button to log farming activities.

Click the Add button to open a form where you can record daily activities such as watering, fertilizer application, and observations. You can write up to 1500 characters.

Go to My Crops and click View next to a crop. This will display all recorded activities, giving you a complete digital diary of your farming practices!